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토플 Speaking 템플릿

category 영어영어 2018. 8. 8. 02:02

1) Personal preference 15/45sec

  - my own opinion 

A: I prefer ______ to ________, for the following reasons. (Intro)

  First, _______. 

  Second, ______. (main + reason/detail)

  These are the reasons why I prefer _____. (conclusion)

B: I agree to the statement that says _______. A good example can be ______.

2) Which option do you agree  with and why?  15/45sec

  I agree/ disagree with the idea that says _____ for the following reasons.

  First, Second,

  These are the reason why I think/agree with _______. 

3) Conversations in campus  30/60sec

  학교 캠퍼스에 대한 '변화'를 제안하는 announcement나 proposal이 RC로 제시,

  이에 대한 학생들의 LC로 제시(보통 두명), 길게 제시되는 사람의 의견을 물어봄.

  "State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion"

  The man expresses his negative opinion about the announcement that says _____. 

  And suggest 2 reasons why he is not in favor of the policy. 

     First reason why he opposes the school's plan is because ________.

Another reason he gaves is that _______.

These are the 2 reasons why he opposes to the plan of school proposal, that ______.

4) Academic Lecture 30/60sec

RC w/example + LC w/specification  

RC가 잘 이해되지 않을 경우 제목보고 정의나 관계부터 살필 것. 

피치 못하면 LC요약해서 6)처럼 하기

The lecturer talks about ______ and this contribute to the explanation of ______.

First, he talks about _______. Second, he also talks about ________. (LC)

So, the example clearly demonstrate the point that _________.

5) Campus Conversation 2 20/60 : LC

The speakers discuss a problem the man has. 

Describe the problem and the two solutions that were presented. 

Then state which of the solutions you prefer and explain why. 

- 주로 한 의견을 픽하도록 유도됨. + 증거: 단점 제시

이럴땐 제시되는 단점을 더욱 끌어들여 더욱 stronger한 나의 의견 제시 가능

The man has a problem that he has to do _____ but he______. (Prob)

The professor suggests that he can either _____ or _____. (Possible sols_)

Persnally, I think she should go for the 1st/2st option, since ________. (Opt + reason)

6) Academic Lecture 2    20/60sec


The lecture explains how ______ and the details are as follows. 

First, he talks about ________.

Second, he talks about ________.

These are the explanations(reasons why) the lecturer suggests that _________.